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~ $>  Just picked up a Raspberry Pi Model B+! (full article)

The Raspberry Pi has always caught my attention, however I hadn’t thought hard at the possibilities I would find useful. After finally being tempted enough to get a Bitcoin cold storage wallet going, this was finally the time.

Raspberry Pi Logo RPi Model B+

I went to a local shop to pickup the Model B+, barebones, as I had a microSD card prior. After having an excruciating time trying to download Raspbian due to my ISP having an issue (of all nights, as they’re quite good normally), I was finally booted into it.

Next steps for me would be to:

  • Get DooM running on it
  • Look into emulation frontends
  • Test hardware such as USB gamepads + external HDDs (since the model B+ now provides up to 1.2A)
  • Throw it into my C64x barebones case, of which I haven’t used yet for 4 years
  • Oh yea, grab another SD and create a cold storage BTC wallet

I’ll be sure to update this post as I learn, tweak, and (maybe) solder more with this awesome little PC.